Nail Case Studies
The nail separates from the underlying nail bed and the normal white tip of the nail appears to be tracking more
Habit Tic Deformity
An acquired habit-induced condition of the nails secondary to the repetitive habit of picking or pushing the cuticle of…read more
Myxoid Cyst
is a firm, smooth, often bluish, fluid-filled bump on the skin. These cysts frequently appear on the fingers near the nail and …read more
Longitudinal Melanonychia
lengthwise brown or black band in the nail secondary to pigment (melanin). Just like the skin, the nail also contains…read more
Longitudinal Erythronychia
lengthwise red band in the nail. There are several potential causes including benign tumors (glomus, myxoid cyst, onychopapilloma)…read more
Onychomycosis, is a very common fungal infection of the nail that can have certain negative consequences….read more
Nail Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition that can affect the skin, nails and joints. Nail psoriasis can cause separation…read more
Lichen Planus
Lichen planus is an inflammatory disorder that can involve the skin, mucous membranes, nails, and/or scalp. It can be very challenging to treat and in aggressive cases can lead to irreversible scarring of the nail…read more
Onycholysis and Candidiasis
When the nail separates there is a compromise to the nail unit barrier and organisms can enter. The most common organism more
A nail dystrophy that typically occurs on the great toenails more commonly in women, and is due to trauma to the nail matrix …read more